Derbyshirewitch Shop > Charmed items by Caroline Millar > Charmed Amulets

Increased Psychic Awareness

Increased Psychic Awareness



Charmed amulets are now available and cost £45 each inclusive of postage to anywhere in the world. They are crystals set on silver chains and come gift boxed with some of the dead sea salts used during the spell casting process for the purpose of recharging them. Full instructions of how to wear and recharge your amulet are also included.

The increase psychic awareness  spell is cast on a pendant made from Moss Agate in the shape of a cross. Moss Agate in it's own right is said to protect your aura from impurities and negativity and should also be used to help channel wisdom from any nature spirit.

It is also used widely during meditation to enable you to reach other realms.  The symbol of the cross is used to show that we only want to contact in love and light and that no dark spirits or entities are welcome in our realm and so will also protect you from tricksters. So, by casting the spell on the Moss Agate cross pendant, the amulet is even more powerful.